Feed Options

Learn about additional options that can be added to your FeedSpring feeds.

1.0. Feed Options

FeedSpring provides additional options that can be added to your feed using the feed-options attribute. These attributes can be added along side your main FeedSpring wrapper and FeedSpring ID (Example added below).

To add multiple feed options you can separate the values using | without having to add the name multiple times.

Full details for each of these available options is outlined below.

<div feedspring="google_xxxxxxxx" feed-options="render:dynamic">
    <div feedspring="post"></div>
    <div feedspring="post"></div>
    <div feedspring="post"></div>

An example of a feed with multiple options might look like this:

<div feedspring="google_xxxxxxxx" feed-options="render:dynamic|limit:6|lang:ja-JP">
    <div feedspring="post"></div>

1.1 Dynamic Attribute

The render:dynamic option simplifies making changes by allowing a single source of truth for your post layout. Instead of duplicating each post element, it enables you to display multiple posts from one layout. You can view a detailed description of this feature on the dynamic feeds page.

To use this feature, set the attribute name="feed-options" andvalue="render:dynamic"

1.2 Count Limits

When using the render:dynamic option, you can specify a limit to the number of posts created. This can be controlled inside your dashboard via the feed settings, or by adding limit:value as a feed option.

To use this feature, set the attribute name="feed-options" and value="limit:6"

As of version 1.3.0, the attribute value limit has replaced the previously used count. The count attribute is no longer supported in this and future versions.

1.3 Skip

The skip feed option allows you to specify posts that should be excluded from display on your website. This is particularly useful for skipping pinned items that you don't want to show to users on every page load.

To use this feature, set the attribute name="feed-options" and value="skip:6".

1.4 Language

The lang attribute in HTML ensures that web content is presented appropriately for different linguistic and cultural backgrounds. When applied to elements within a feed, it formats numbers, dates, and other language-sensitive content according to the specified language, enhancing the user experience.

When you specify a lang attribute, browsers adapt the display of certain elements to match the formatting rules of the given language. For instance:

To use this feature, set the attribute name="feed-options" andvalue="lang:ja-JP"

Language Code
Example Display


English (United States)

10M (10 million)


Japanese (Japan)

1000δΈ‡ (10 million)


German (Germany)

10 Mio. (10 million)


French (France)

10 M (10 million)


Spanish (Spain)

10 M (10 million)


Chinese (China)

1000δΈ‡ (10 million)

For more details on the lang attribute and its effects on web content, refer to the MDN Web Docs on the lang attribute. This resource provides comprehensive information and additional examples to help you implement language-specific formatting effectively.

Last updated